So you have made your own substantial tiles, presently the time has come to tile your floor. With some accommodating counsel this is an extraordinary DIY project with much fulfillment or on the other hand perhaps you need to enlist this task out subsequent to setting aside all that cash, making your own tiles. Look at my other article for making substantial tile; this article will discuss introducing the tile. Append your new tiles as you would tiles from the DIY store. Utilize the appropriate mortar and grout for substantial tiles. You will require a solid base that does not move. Putting the tile on a substantial section works the best, ensure assuming there are any development joints in the piece, you should have a crease in your tile or they will break when the chunk moves.

concrete look tiles

Benefactor board can be utilized on top of your subfloor. Make a point to utilize half-inch or thicker board and tape and mud the joints of the patron board. Use essentially a half crept indented scoop to lay your mud on the floor, and it is ideal to likewise spread the rear of the tile. In the event that you anticipate utilizing a light shaded grout utilize the white slender set to set your tile in.

To cut the tile, lease a tile saw that utilizes a precious stone edge and water to cut. I would say they will cut pleasantly. You might need to consider slicing Betonlook Tegel down the middle and involving them as your baseboard adhered to the divider. I completed a room like this and it looked incredible. After all tiles are set up let them dry for the time being and afterward you can begin grouting. Blended my own grout in with 3 sections sand to 1 section Portland concrete and added a color to supplement my tile. Ensure you clear off the grout from the essence of the tiles before it dries or you will not get it off later.

Like to work in little regions while grouting and wash the tiles as I come, so it does not advance beyond me and dries to the tile. Allow the grout to dry overnight and afterward seal the tile and grout, this will make them additional intense, you might need to seal your floor consistently with a mop, check and see what the production suggests. The examples that you use to lay your floor are simply restricted to your creative mind, so partake in your new floor